Modele & preturi
Model |
Products |
Size (mm) H xW xL |
Pret in € |
G1015-25 |
KMnO4 solution tank, with filter stuff |
25 Liters |
49,21 |
G1015-80 |
KMnO4 solution tank, grid, with filter stuff |
80 Liters |
83,83 |
G1015-130 |
KMnO4 solution tank, grid, with filter stuff |
130 Liters |
93,15 |
BT600-25 |
Brine tank, grid, brine well, 25 L |
420 x 230 x 230 |
33,66 |
BT601-80 |
Brine tank, grid, brine well, overflow, 80 L |
885 x 370 x 370 |
51,61 |
BT602-130 |
Brine tank, grid, brine well, overflow, 130 L |
1085 x 370 x 370 |
57,34 |
BT603-200 |
Brine tank, grid, brine well, 200 L |
1160 x 550 x 550 |
132,85 |
BT604-350 |
Brine tank, grid, brine well, 350 L |
1275 x 740 x 740 |
225,85 |
BT605-500 |
Brine tank, grid, brine well, 500 L |
1335 x 840 x 840 |
315,81 |
BT606-750 |
Brine tank, grid, brine well, 750 L |
1395 x 960 x 960 |
436,12 |
BT607-1000 |
Brine tank, grid, brine well, 1000 L |
1460 x 1080 x 1080 |
526,87 |
BT608-1500 |
Brine tank, grid, brine well, 1500 L |
1575 x 1240 x 1240 |
693,57 |
PA003 |
Brine well for Mini cabinets |
- |
5,73 |
PA005 |
Brine well for Maxi cabinets |
- |
9,40 |
PB022 |
Mini cabinet |
330 x 230 x 430 |
57,85 |
PA558+PV006 |
Slim Mini Junior cab. with 7x13 without base tank |
330 x 230 x 430 |
97,71 |
PA555+PV012 |
Slim Mini cabinet with 8x17 without base tank |
640 x 225 x 440 |
115,18 |
PA556+PV014 |
Slim Midi cabinet with 8x35 without base tank |
1110 x 225 x 440 |
156,54 |
PA557+PV020 |
Slim Maxi cabinet with 8x44 without base tank |
1330 x 225 x 440 |
176,80 |
PA210 |
Mini Crystal cabinet |
690 x 340 x 520 |
91,93 |
PA235 |
Maxi Crystal cabinet |
1150 x 340 x 520 |
131,32 |
EU210 |
Europa Mini cabinet |
690 x 340 x 520 |
67,11 |
EU235 |
Europa Maxi cabinet |
1150 x 340 x 520 |
83,10 |
H7000 |
Overflow elbow for 25-350 liter brine tanks |
1,57 |
H8000 |
Overflow elbow for 500-1500 liter brine tanks |
40,95 |
Preturile sunt in euro fara TVA .
Pretul in lei va fi calculat dupa cursul valutar al BNR la data facturarii.
Transportul nu este cuprins in pret dar poate fi negociat, la fel ca si o posibila reducere a pretului, functie de cantitatea si valoarea produselor achizitionate.